Naperville Integrated Wellness


Frankfort Functional Medicine

If you’re a resident of the village of Frankfort, consider yourself lucky. As one of the top 100 fastest growing suburbs in the nation, more and more people are realizing that this is one of the best places you can call home in the U.S. Frankfort, also known as the “Jewel of the South Suburbs,” is recognized for its stellar schools, delicious restaurants, funky boutiques, and family-friendly community. At Naperville Integrated Wellness, we are grateful for the opportunity to serve the pleasant residents of Frankfort with our functional medicine services.

How Does Functional Medicine Help Frankfort Citizens

Functional medicine is a holistic healthcare approach that seeks to identify and address the root causes of illness, rather than merely treating symptoms. By viewing the body as an interconnected system influenced by genetics, environment, lifestyle, and diet, practitioners aim to understand the underlying imbalances that contribute to health issues. This involves personalized and patient-centered care, incorporating a thorough assessment of medical history, lifestyle, and specialized laboratory tests for comprehensive insights.

In practice, functional medicine focuses on restoring balance and optimizing bodily functions through tailored interventions such as lifestyle modifications, nutrition, and supplements. The emphasis is on promoting long-term health and preventing the recurrence of issues by addressing core imbalances. Considered an integrative approach, functional medicine recognizes the intricate connections between different bodily systems, offering a holistic perspective to healthcare.

Frankfort Functional Medicine Doctor

Functional medicine doctors offer personalized and comprehensive healthcare, addressing root causes rather than just symptoms. Through in-depth assessments encompassing genetic, environmental, lifestyle, and dietary factors, practitioners determine the underlying causes of health challenges. They then create individualized treatment plans incorporating lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, nutritional supplements, and stress management techniques. Recognizing the interconnectedness of bodily systems, functional medicine takes a holistic approach, aiming to restore balance and optimize overall well-being while emphasizing preventive strategies.

Functional medicine practitioners guide patients in adopting healthier lifestyles, providing nutritional support, and empowering them through education about health conditions and lifestyle choices. The goal is not only to alleviate symptoms but also to enhance long-term quality of life, prevent future health issues, and support individuals in achieving their optimal state of well-being.

Functional Medicine and Chronic Illnesses

Functional medicine doctors enhance the quality of life for individuals with chronic conditions through a personalized and comprehensive approach. By identifying the root causes of health issues, practitioners create tailored treatment plans that encompass lifestyle modifications, dietary adjustments, nutritional supplements, and stress management techniques. This individualized care addresses the interconnected factors contributing to chronic conditions, aiming to restore balance and optimize overall health.

The holistic nature of functional medicine emphasizes patient education, empowering individuals to actively participate in their healthcare. Practitioners guide patients in making positive lifestyle changes, supporting them in adopting healthier habits for sustained well-being. By focusing on prevention, functional medicine aims to minimize the progression of chronic conditions and improve long-term health outcomes, emphasizing not only symptom management but also addressing the underlying imbalances that contribute to the health challenges faced by individuals.

Integrated Medicine for Frankfort Residents

Integrative medicine is a holistic healthcare approach that blends conventional medical practices with complementary and alternative therapies, aiming to address the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of an individual's well-being. This patient-centered approach emphasizes collaboration between practitioners and patients to create personalized healthcare plans. Integrative medicine incorporates a range of therapeutic modalities, including conventional treatments, nutritional interventions, mind-body techniques, acupuncture, and herbal remedies, with the goal of treating the whole person and promoting overall wellness.


Functional Health Testing for Frankfort Residents

At our functional medicine facility, we’re not interested in just treating your symptoms — we want to address their root cause and promote your body’s natural ability to heal itself. That’s why we begin with functional health testing before anything else. Through a battery of tests, we are able to get an accurate picture of your health from which we can determine the source of your concerns. We begin with a comprehensive initial visit, and from there, we are able to choose which tests are necessary for you, whether it’s hormone evaluations or food sensitivity testing.

Types Of Functional Medicine Testing

In functional medicine, we operate on the fundamental belief that all illnesses and chronic diseases arise from imbalances within the body. These imbalances, often termed as "root causes," can be identified through specialized diagnostic tests. Identifying the precise origin of poor function and disease is crucial for effective restoration. Without pinpointing the source of the problem, it becomes challenging to restore optimal function successfully.

Functional Medicine Blood Testing

Our approach typically commences with a comprehensive functional medicine blood test, which provides more extensive insights compared to standard tests conducted in most medical offices. Beyond routine assessments, we delve deeper into often overlooked key areas such as inflammation, immune system function, thyroid health, blood sugar regulation, energy production, liver and digestion, and cardiovascular risk factors. This in-depth analysis aids us in pinpointing areas of reduced function within the body, allowing us to narrow our focus and precisely identify the root cause of your health issue.

Food Sensitivity and Allergy Testing

Food sensitivity and allergy testing often focus solely on identifying food allergies, overlooking sensitivities, which are more common contributors to food-related issues. Unlike allergies, sensitivities are not widely recognized by traditional medicine and allergists. Many health professionals lack the expertise to fully utilize the information from these tests, typically advising patients to simply avoid or rotate foods flagged as allergens or sensitivities. It is crucial to recognize that the interpretation and application of such data should go beyond mere dietary adjustments and be integrated into a more nuanced and comprehensive plan.

Nutrition Testing

Nutrition testing involves two primary methods for assessing nutrient status. One approach measures the actual levels of specific nutrients through blood tests, such as vitamin B12 or vitamin D assessments. The other method gauges the chemical processes in the body dependent on key vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. We utilize a combination of both methods. While certain nutrients have established ranges, many lack such parameters. In such cases, evaluating biological processes becomes essential to ascertain their proper functioning and balance. For instance, instead of solely measuring vitamin B12 levels, assessing the chemical methylmalonic acid (MMA) provides a more accurate reflection of the body's need for B12. This approach recognizes that normal or high serum vitamin B12 levels may be misleading, and elevated MMA levels serve as a more reliable indicator of B12 deficiency.

Functional Medicine Stool Testing

Functional stool testing goes beyond the conventional use of stool tests that primarily focus on ruling out parasites or detecting blood. Instead, it serves as a comprehensive tool for gaining valuable insights into your digestive system's functionality. This testing allows us to assess various aspects, including the efficiency of food breakdown (digestion), the absorption of nutrients (malabsorption), the presence of inflammation, and the integrity of the gut barrier (leaky gut). Additionally, we can measure the production of beneficial and harmful chemicals by the gut organisms, evaluating the balance of good bacteria versus potentially harmful bacteria, parasites, or an overgrowth of yeast in your gut.

Adrenal Gland Testing with Functional Medicine

Adrenal Gland Testing is crucial for understanding the functionality of your stress glands, which play a vital role in managing stressors and inflammation. While conventional testing often focuses on cortisol levels through blood tests, this approach primarily rules out major diseases like Cushing’s or Addison’s. However, it doesn't provide a comprehensive assessment of adrenal gland functionality. Beyond cortisol production, adrenal glands also produce aldosterone, regulating electrolyte levels, and significant amounts of catecholamines such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine (adrenaline). Dysfunction in the adrenal glands can lead to symptoms like fatigue, insomnia, mood changes, weight gain, inflammation, and altered thyroid hormone function. Assessing all aspects of adrenal gland function is particularly crucial during the transition from perimenopause to menopause in women, as the adrenal glands take on a more significant role in hormone production. Our evaluation extends beyond a single cortisol blood test, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of adrenal gland health.

Functional Medicine Treatments for Frankfort Residents

Your test results then inform the course of your care. Because we have you as a whole person in mind, we are able to determine a functional medicine treatment that doesn’t involve handing you a prescription and sending you on your way. Everyone’s treatment will look different, as everyone’s health concerns are different. We may recommend lifestyle changes, diet changes, or supplementation to help address your specific issues. Whether you need IBS treatment, migraine help, Hashimoto's, weight loss goals, mental health support, or another health concern, we’re here to support Frankfort residents. Contact us to schedule an appointment!


How You Can Benefit From Functional Medicine

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The current healthcare model today is not designed to deal with the rise in chronic disease and declining health in America.  The benefits of functional medicine are not truly known. …

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New Treatment for Chronic Pain In Frankfort

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Functional Medicine Health Pyramid # 5 Immune System

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HEAL YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM! Your immune system is one of the key regulating systems of your body. When this system is out of balance it will be virtually impossible to…

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