Naperville Integrated Wellness



Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a growing health problem in the United States. According to the National Health Interview Survey Parenthood domestic life and children upbringing. Mother talking with son little sad boy isolated on white background(NHIS)
2011-2013, approximately 9.5% of children between the ages of 4-17 have been diagnosed with this condition and boys are more than twice as likely to be affected. In fact over 13% of all boys and 5% of all girls have been diagnosed with ADHD.

ADHD is considered a mental disorder that is characterized by excessive activity, excitability, impulsivity, irritability and lack of restraint. Individuals may also experience anger, anxiety, mood swings, short attention span and forgetfulness. In children, difficulty with paying attention and focus can result in poor school performance. ADHD can make life at home and at school very challenging. The most common treatment for ADHD is prescription medication. Most of these medications essentially act as stimulants which influence various neurotransmitters (brain chemicals).

Common ADHD drugs include:

  • Adderal
  • Ritalin
  • Methylin
  • Focalin
  • Dexedrene

ADHD Drugs

For the most part these drugs are believed to influence neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine. Both of these neurotransmitters are responsible for improving mood, focus and concentration among other things. Common side effects of these medications include loss of appetite, weight loss, irritability, tremor, nervousness, dizziness, headaches, nausea and sleep problems. The FDA has even issued a warning about the risk of drug abuse with these stimulant (amphetamine) drugs. There is also concern that these kinds of drugs may increase the risk of heart and future psychiatric problems.

Drug Concerns

In addition to the known potential side effect of these medications, there are other growing concerns about their long-term use and overall safety. The long-term

Dementia puzzle concept brain health problem symbol as a neurology and psychology icon as a a group of 3D illustration jigsaw pieces shaped as a human head as a mental health or memory loss disorder.

use of ADHD drugs and their impact on young, developing brains is not yet known. There is now concern by some researchers that the use of these drugs may interfere with normal brain development. This should be a concern since children with more severe symptoms of ADHD may already have abnormal brain development in the frontal and temporal lobes, caudate nucleus and cerebellum. These areas of the brain help regulate concentration, impulse control and motor (physical) activity.

It is not a simple matter, making decisions about ADHD medication but it helps to get as much information as possible before making a choice. First you need to understand that medications do not cure ADHD. These drugs are not magic pills that fix all of symptoms of this condition. While they may improve symptoms right now, symptoms will return if medication is stopped and these drugs work better for some than others. Then there are the unknown effects of taking these medications for extended periods of time. There are however other options to consider that are more natural and that do not carry the potential side effects and possibility of disturbed brain development. Functional medicine looks at ADHD just like other chronic health issues; there must be underlying health imbalances that are contributing to this mental disorder.

Natural Treatment

There are natural treatments that seek to restore balance to the brain and the production of neurotransmitters. While many different forms of natural treatment may help ADHD, we will focus on diet and nutrient balance.


Taking a functional medicine approach to ADHD must include an assessment of the individual’s diet. This is because digestion health, brain health and the immune system cannot be looked at separately. If someone with ADHD is constantly eating foods that interfere the normal function of these systems, then resolution of symptoms can be difficult. We often find that those suffering with ADHD do have food intolerances or even food allergies. Failing to identify these foods and remove them from the diet can interfere with normal brain function and the production of neurotransmitters; especially dopamine and norepinephrine. We have over 17 years of experience working with diet modification and helping patients determine what they should and should not be eating. While diet changes can often lead to significant improvement, sometimes diet changes alone are not enough. This is when we look at directly improving brain chemistry through nutrient supplementation.

Key Nutrients

The brain requires specific nutrients in sufficient amounts, in order to produce optimum levels of neurotransmitters. With ADHD we are very interested in improving the production and balance of two neurotransmitters; dopamine and norepinephrine. For the brain to make enough of these two chemicals it requires key amino acids, vitamins and minerals. While this sounds simple enough, it is a bit more complicated than just taking some vitamins and eating more protein. For many people with neurotransmitter imbalances, they simply are not able to get what they need from their diet.  Everyone is completely unique when it comes to neurotransmitter level needs and their ability to produce them. The good news is that there are natural supplements that can effectively improve neurotransmitter levels when used properly.

Since everyone has unique nutritional needs and neurotransmitter levels should be assessed during the course of treatment, this form of treatment should be supervised by a physician trained not only in integrative medicine but neurotransmitter testing and modification. At Naperville Integrated Wellness, we have extensive experience when it comes to testing and improving neurotransmitter levels and balance.

We believe you should help the brain make more of the chemicals it needs to function properly instead of taking drugs that only manipulate an existing imbalance. ADHD drugs do not restore normal levels of brain chemicals; they are stimulants that are forcing an already compromised system to work harder. The long-term consequences of such treatment are unknown and may be far more damaging than expected.

If you are looking for a functional medicine doctor in Aurora, Wheaton or Geneva, please contact us today!

If you would like more information about functional medicine, Dr. Sexton or neurotransmitter support; go to

Do your own research, inform yourself and ask lots of questions. When collecting information you MUST consider the source. There is no shortage of false, misleading, outdated, profit-driven and utterly biased information in healthcare today; even from the most respected sources.


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