Naperville Integrated Wellness


Lisle Functional Medicine Doctor

Lisle is one of the most sought-after suburbs of Naperville.  As the Lisle functional medicine doctor who aims to help improve wellness, we love helping Lisle residents. A haven for young professionals looking for a small town environment near urban entertainment, Lisle has everything you could need. For families, Lisle makes a great home: it has excellent schools, plenty of gorgeous parks and forest preserves, and such fun events as the Lisle Eyes to the Skies Festival. If you’re lucky enough to call Lisle home and you’re looking for a functional medicine doctor, contact Naperville Integrated Wellness today. We are just minutes away and happy to serve Lisle’s residents.

Holistic-doctor-in-LisleA Holistic Approach With Functional Medicine For Lisle Residents

Unfortunately, traditional medicine too often fails people.  This is because there is no comprehensive perspective of the patient as a person; instead, the focus is on the symptoms. This means that too often, the actual cause of the problem is left untreated. At Naperville Integrated Wellness, we’re focused on identifying the cause of the health concerns you’re experiencing so we can help facilitate your body’s natural healing process. That’s why we begin our consultation with gathering the facts including comprehensive labs and testing. This information helps to inform our interventions to help you return to optimal health.

Functional Medicine Doctor - What Do They Do?

A functional medicine doctor is a healthcare professional who specializes in treating chronic illnesses and health conditions. They take an individualized approach when it comes to diagnosis and treatment, taking into account the root causes of illness rather than simply treating symptoms. Functional medicine doctors use a variety of natural treatments, such as herbal remedies and dietary changes, to address the underlying causes of disease.

They work with their patients to create personalized treatment plans that emphasize preventative measures and lifestyle changes. By treating the individual, rather than the illness itself, functional medicine doctors strive to provide long-term healing and improved overall health. Functional medicine doctors are passionate about helping their patients achieve better health and quality of life.

Conditions Functional Medicine Doctors Treat

Functional medicine doctors are medical practitioners who practice a unique approach to healthcare, focusing on understanding the underlying causes of diseases. They focus on the whole person rather than just treating symptoms, taking into account lifestyle, environment, and genetic factors. Functional medicine doctors help treat a wide variety of conditions, including digestive disorders, autoimmune diseases, hormone imbalances, chronic fatigue, and mental health issues.

They work to identify and correct the root causes of these ailments, often incorporating lifestyle changes and dietary shifts. Additionally, functional medicine doctors often work in tandem with primary care physicians to develop personalized treatment plans, ensuring the best possible outcome for their patients. With their holistic approach, functional medicine doctors strive to improve overall health and quality of life.

Digestive Disorders

Functional medicine doctors are uniquely qualified to help treat digestive disorders. They bring a holistic approach to diagnosing and treating gastrointestinal issues, with the goal of restoring the body’s natural balance and healing the underlying cause of the disorder. Functional medicine doctors use a combination of nutrition, lifestyle changes, supplements, and herbal remedies to treat digestive disorders. They also take a personalized approach to care, looking at each patient as an individual and taking into account their specific history and genetic makeup.

By focusing on the root cause of the disorder, rather than solely treating the symptoms, functional medicine doctors are able to help their patients achieve better long-term results. In addition, they work with their patients to create a customized treatment plan that takes into account any food allergies or food sensitivities.  If you have a digestive disorder, contact our Lisle functional medicine doctors today.

Autoimmune Diseases

Functional medicine is a comprehensive approach to healthcare that focuses on identifying and treating the root causes of diseases. It is particularly effective for autoimmune diseases, which are caused by an abnormal immune response and can lead to a wide range of symptoms. Functional medicine looks at the patient as a whole, rather than just the disease, and takes into account lifestyle factors, environmental factors, and genetic predisposition.

Through this approach, functional medicine practitioners can identify the underlying causes of autoimmune diseases and develop personalized treatment plans that address these causes. This often includes dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as nutritional and herbal supplements. By addressing the root causes of autoimmune diseases, functional medicine can provide long-term relief from symptoms and even prevent further progression of the disease.

Hormone Imbalances

Functional medicine doctors are an excellent resource for helping women with hormone imbalances. They take a holistic approach to treatment, focusing on the whole body rather than just individual symptoms. Through comprehensive lab testing, they can identify underlying causes of hormone imbalance and develop treatment plans that address the root cause. They often recommend lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise modifications, to help restore balance.

In addition, they may recommend nutritional supplements, botanical medicines, and bioidentical hormones to help bring hormones back into balance. Functional medicine doctors also provide guidance on stress management, sleep habits, and other lifestyle factors that can help reduce symptoms of hormone imbalance. Ultimately, they provide individualized, comprehensive care that helps women regain balance and achieve optimal health.

Chronic Fatigue

Functional medicine can be an effective tool in treating chronic fatigue. It focuses on the underlying cause of the condition rather than just addressing the symptoms. By looking at the individual’s lifestyle, diet, environment, and genetics, a practitioner can create a personalized treatment plan to help reduce the severity of the fatigue and find ways to manage it. Functional medicine also looks at the body as a whole system, rather than focusing on just one part or symptom.

This approach helps to identify and address any imbalances or deficiencies that may be contributing to the fatigue. Additionally, functional medicine practitioners often recommend nutritional supplements, stress management techniques, and lifestyle changes to help reduce fatigue and improve overall health. By taking a holistic approach to treating chronic fatigue, our Lisle functional medicine doctors can help.

Mental Health Issues

Functional medicine doctors strive to identify and address the underlying causes of mental health issues, rather than treating them with medication alone. They look at the body as a whole, focusing on diet, lifestyle, environmental influences, and genetics. By taking a holistic approach, they can address imbalances in the body that may be contributing to mental health issues.

For example, functional medicine doctors might recommend specific dietary changes, supplement regimens, and lifestyle modifications to help restore balance in the body. They can also identify and address any underlying medical conditions that might be contributing to mental health issues, such as deficiencies in vitamins or minerals, digestive problems, or chronic inflammation. By targeting the root causes of mental health issues, functional medicine doctors can help individuals to restore their quality of life.

Why Work With Our Functional Medicine Doctor Near Lisle

At Naperville Integrated Wellness, we recognize that you aren’t simply a number. You are a person with unique health needs, so you need a unique approach. Our functional medicine doctors address each patient’s individual concerns with an individualized plan. Whether you need food allergy testing, nutrient testing or help with autoimmune, there are a range of needs we can address. If you’re ready to get started, feel free to reach out to the best holistic doctor Lisle offers and schedule your first appointment with our functional medicine facility.


You Don’t Want This – Wise words from a Functional Medicine Doctor

January 31, 2020

You think you do, but you really don’t…this is why.  You don’t want functional medicine…you want what it can do for you and how it can change your life. You…

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Functional Medicine Doctor Near Me?

October 14, 2019

Have you been looking for a functional medicine doctor near you? Have you been looking for a integrative doctor near you or searching functional medicine doctor near me? You are…

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