Naperville Integrated Wellness


Woodridge Functional Medicine

Woodridgewoodridge-functional-medicine-specialist is a thriving community that is conveniently located at the crossroads of all major highways in Illinois, making it easy to access a variety of different communities. As the functional medicine doctor Woodridge reaches out to for wellness, we love visiting Woodridge! This is a safe area that offers a family-friendly environment to raise children while still providing opportunities for fun for all ages. Great parks, a stellar public library, and a close-knit community are some of the many perks of calling Woodridge home, and we’re happy to help the residents with their functional medicine ideas here at Naperville Integrated Wellness.  Learn more below from Dr. Sharon Borkowski and the Naperville Integrated Wellness team on the Woodridge functional medicine services we offer in Naperville.  Questions or concerns? Do not hesitate to contact us today.

Woodridge Functional Medicine Solutions

Functional medicine offers a holistic approach to healthcare, targeting the underlying causes of autoimmune conditions rather than solely addressing symptoms. By focusing on factors like inflammation, gut health, nutrition, and environmental triggers, it aims to modulate the immune system and alleviate symptoms. This personalized approach involves tailored treatment plans encompassing dietary adjustments, supplements, stress management, exercise, and lifestyle changes. Collaborating closely with patients, functional medicine empowers individuals to actively manage their condition, leading to reduced symptoms, increased energy, improved mental clarity, and a better quality of life.  Learn more about the conditions we help treat with integrative medicine and functional medicine now.


Many people have had a frustrating experience with healthcare providers. They may have a variety of unexplained symptoms that doctors just don’t seem to be able to nail down and are instead given prescription drugs to “manage” their condition. This can be a disheartening experience. At Naperville Integrated Wellness, we’re interested in empowering our patients. That’s why we do everything in our power to identify the root source of their health concerns, rather than giving them a bandaid to cover them up.

Conditions We Help with Functional Medicine In Woodridge

Functional medicine doctors aim to treat a wide range of chronic conditions by addressing underlying imbalances and root causes. These conditions may include autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, where the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own tissues. Functional medicine also targets metabolic disorders like diabetes and obesity, hormonal imbalances such as thyroid disorders and adrenal dysfunction, gastrointestinal issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and neurological conditions including Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease. Additionally, functional medicine approaches may be beneficial for managing chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, mood disorders like depression and anxiety, and various chronic pain syndromes. By focusing on personalized, integrative approaches that address the underlying factors contributing to these conditions, functional medicine aims to optimize health and improve quality of life for individuals with chronic illnesses.

Woodridge IBS Doctor Practicing Functional Medicine

During an initial consultation with our Woodridge functional medicine doctor, expect a comprehensive evaluation of your medical history, symptoms, lifestyle factors, and potential triggers. This will be followed by a thorough physical examination and specialized tests to gather insights into your condition. Based on the findings, your doctor will collaborate with you to develop a personalized treatment plan, which may include dietary adjustments, supplementation, stress management techniques, and lifestyle changes. Throughout the consultation, emphasis will be placed on education, empowerment, and active participation in your healing journey, with the goal of addressing the root causes of your symptoms and improving your overall health and quality of life.  Our IBS specialist in Naperville will look to help with a natural solution for IBS.  Learn more about SIBO and leaky gut, functional medicine and IBS and serotonin and IBS now.

Hashimoto's Specialist For Woodridge

A Woodridge Hashimoto's specialist will typically look for a range of symptoms associated with Hashimoto's disease, an autoimmune condition affecting the thyroid gland. These symptoms may include fatigue, unexplained weight gain, sensitivity to cold, dry skin, constipation, hair loss, muscle weakness, joint pain, menstrual irregularities, depression, and memory problems. Additionally, the specialist may assess for physical signs such as a goiter (enlargement of the thyroid gland), as well as review laboratory tests measuring thyroid hormone levels (TSH, T3, T4) and thyroid antibodies (TPO antibodies, thyroglobulin antibodies) to confirm the diagnosis and monitor disease activity. Hashimoto's specialists focus on addressing these symptoms comprehensively and may employ a range of treatments, including thyroid hormone replacement therapy, dietary modifications, supplementation, stress management techniques, and lifestyle interventions to optimize thyroid function and improve overall well-being for individuals with Hashimoto's disease.

Natural Solutions to Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Natural solutions for Hashimoto's thyroiditis focus on addressing underlying imbalances and inflammation to support thyroid function and overall health. This includes adopting an anti-inflammatory diet like the autoimmune protocol (AIP), which eliminates potential triggers such as gluten and dairy, while emphasizing nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, and fatty fish. Stress management techniques such as mindfulness and yoga can help regulate the immune system, while ensuring adequate sleep, regular exercise, and optimizing vitamin D levels are also beneficial. Certain supplements like probiotics, selenium, and omega-3 fatty acids may be recommended to support thyroid health, but it's important to consult with a healthcare provider knowledgeable about Hashimoto's before making any changes.

Depression Solutions In Woodridge

Opting for a Woodridge functional medicine approach to depression offers a comprehensive strategy that targets the root causes of the condition rather than solely managing symptoms. This approach takes into account factors such as nutritional imbalances, hormonal irregularities, gut health, inflammation, and genetic predispositions, all of which can influence depressive symptoms. Through the functional medicine treatment for depression, which may involve dietary adjustments, targeted supplementation, stress reduction techniques, and lifestyle changes, functional medicine aims to enhance overall well-being and mental health. Furthermore, this approach emphasizes patient empowerment, encouraging individuals to actively participate in their healing process and promoting lasting emotional stability and resilience.

Insomnia Treatment

The functional medicine approach to insomnia offers a healthier alternative compared to other methods by focusing on identifying and resolving the root causes of sleep disturbances. Instead of solely relying on medications, this approach with functional medicine and insomnia, considers various aspects of health such as lifestyle, stress levels, nutrition, hormonal balance, and underlying health conditions that may impact sleep quality. Through personalized treatment plans involving dietary adjustments, supplements, stress management, and lifestyle changes, functional medicine aims to improve overall well-being and promote restful sleep in the long term. By actively involving patients in their care, this approach empowers individuals to understand their sleep patterns better and make informed choices to support better sleep and overall health.

Woodridge Anxiety Specialist

Functional medicine principles offer a comprehensive approach to managing chronic anxiety by addressing underlying factors that contribute to the condition. Firstly, focusing on the gut-brain axis recognizes the significant connection between gut health and mental well-being. Optimizing gut health through dietary adjustments, probiotics, and addressing any gut dysbiosis or inflammation can positively impact anxiety symptoms. Secondly, balancing neurotransmitters involves identifying and correcting imbalances in brain chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and GABA, often through targeted supplementation and lifestyle changes. Thirdly, addressing inflammation throughout the body, including the brain, can help alleviate anxiety symptoms.

Natural Techniques Towards Health

This may involve an anti-inflammatory diet, stress reduction techniques, and supplements like omega-3 fatty acids and curcumin. Additionally, supporting adrenal function and balancing hormones, particularly cortisol, can help regulate the stress response and reduce anxiety. Finally, personalized lifestyle interventions such as stress management techniques, adequate sleep, regular exercise, and social support play crucial roles in managing chronic anxiety. By integrating these principles into a comprehensive treatment plan, functional medicine approaches aim to address the root causes of anxiety and promote long-term mental well-being.

Perimenopause and Life Changes

The onset of perimenopause, the transitional phase preceding menopause, can manifest in various ways, but common signs include irregular menstrual cycles, alterations in flow (either heavier or lighter), and skipped periods. Additionally, symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, changes in libido, mood swings, irritability, sleep disturbances, fatigue, forgetfulness, and difficulty concentrating may emerge. Physical discomforts such as breast tenderness, headaches, joint pain, and urinary issues might also occur. While these signs suggest perimenopause, it's crucial to consult a healthcare provider for confirmation and personalized management strategies.

Woodridge Menopause Specialist

A Woodridge menopause specialist can offer comprehensive support to address and alleviate the symptoms associated with menopause. Firstly, they can provide education and guidance on the physical and emotional changes that occur during this transition, helping individuals understand what to expect and how to manage symptoms effectively. Secondly, they can offer personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's specific needs and preferences. This may include hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or other medications to alleviate symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and mood swings. Additionally, they can recommend lifestyle modifications such as dietary changes, regular exercise, stress management techniques, and adequate sleep to promote overall well-being and symptom relief. Moreover, they can monitor health risks associated with menopause, such as osteoporosis and heart disease, and provide preventive measures and screenings. Overall, a menopause specialist plays a crucial role in supporting individuals through this life transition, empowering them to navigate menopause with confidence and comfort.

Weight Loss Center In Naperville

A Naperville weight loss center with functional medicine doctors offers a comprehensive approach to weight loss by addressing underlying factors like hormone imbalances, gut health, inflammation, and nutrient deficiencies. Through personalized plans involving dietary adjustments, supplementation, stress management, and lifestyle changes, these programs prioritize long-term health and sustainable results over quick fixes. This approach targets not only weight loss but also overall well-being, providing a more effective and holistic solution compared to traditional programs.

Chronic Inflammation Solutions

Signs of chronic inflammation include fatigue, headaches, digestive issues, joint pain, skin problems, allergies, weight changes, chronic pain, recurrent infections, and mood disorders. Consulting a healthcare provider is crucial for accurate diagnosis and management.

Healing Chronic Inflammation Naturally

The functional medicine approach to naturally healing chronic inflammation involves dietary changes emphasizing anti-inflammatory foods, gut health optimization through probiotics and prebiotics, stress management techniques like meditation and yoga, lifestyle modifications including regular exercise and sufficient sleep, nutritional supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, and addressing underlying conditions such as autoimmune disorders or hormonal imbalances. By addressing these factors comprehensively, functional medicine aims to naturally reduce inflammation, promote healing, and restore balance to the body's immune system and inflammatory pathways.

Chronic Exhaustion and Fatigue In Woodridge

Approaching chronic fatigue with natural solutions involves a holistic strategy that addresses underlying factors contributing to fatigue while promoting overall well-being. This approach includes dietary adjustments emphasizing whole foods and minimizing processed foods, optimizing gut health through probiotics and prebiotics, managing stress with techniques like mindfulness and meditation, engaging in regular exercise, prioritizing restorative sleep, adopting healthy lifestyle habits, considering targeted nutritional supplements, and addressing underlying health conditions such as thyroid disorders or chronic infections. By addressing these factors comprehensively, natural solutions for chronic fatigue aim to restore energy levels, improve overall health, and enhance quality of life, though it's important to seek guidance from a healthcare provider for personalized recommendations.  Learn more about chronic fatigue syndrome and contact us today to learn more.

Schedule A Woodridge Functional Medicine Appointment Today

We start by offering a battery of functional health tests to help you determine where the source of your health concerns lie. Then, we create a customized care plan based on your specific needs. We might recommend some lifestyle changes to support your health, or we may provide functional medicine treatments where appropriate. No two patients are alike, so no two care plans will be alike. We’re happy to work closely with you to empower you to live your healthiest life. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with a Woodridge functional medicine doctor.


Healing Your Gut – The Functional Medicine Way!

December 14, 2022

Many health problems are the result of poor gut health; more specifically a leaky gut. Your gut health is deeply linked to your immune system and nervous system.  Have you…

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How to lose weight – The Functional Medicine Approach

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Functional Medicine Digestion Solutions

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Tired of guessing what to do? When your “guts” are not working well, you don’t feel well. Maybe your clothes fit too tight, you abdomen protrudes, constipation occurs and your…

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