Naperville Integrated Wellness



How To Turn Food Into Energy For The Body: Weight Loss Problems

It’s that time of year once more! We want to remind everyone that food should be used as fuel for the body when speaking to weight loss.  Weight loss resolutions have been set, and you’re in search of a fresh and efficient method to shed those pounds for good. Like many who’ve pursued their ideal weight, you may have encountered setbacks. Even if you’ve succeeded in reaching your goal, the weight might have gradually returned. What’s the secret to sustainable weight loss? Are there truly effective weight loss products out there? Why has shedding those extra pounds become such a challenge for countless individuals? Consider exploring a functional medicine approach—it could be the solution you’ve been seeking.

Food is often likened to fuel for the body because it provides the essential nutrients and energy needed to sustain life and support bodily functions. Just as fuel powers a vehicle, food provides the energy required for activities, from basic bodily functions like breathing and circulation to more demanding tasks like exercising and thinking. Additionally, food supplies the building blocks for growth, repair, and maintenance of cells, tissues, and organs throughout the body. Therefore, consuming a balanced diet ensures that the body receives the necessary nutrients and energy to function optimally, much like fuel keeps a vehicle running smoothly.  Learn more about losing weight with functional medicine weight loss solutions now.

Why Normal Weight Loss Programs, Pills and Diets Don’t Work For Everyone

Normal weight loss programs, pills, and diets often fail to work for everyone because they tend to take a one-size-fits-all approach, overlooking the fact that each person has a unique body type and metabolism. What works for one individual may not necessarily work for another due to differences in genetics, physiology, lifestyle, and underlying health conditions. Some people may have a slower metabolism, making it harder to lose weight through conventional methods, while others may have hormonal imbalances or genetic predispositions that affect their ability to shed pounds. Additionally, factors like stress, poor sleep quality, and gut health can also impact weight loss outcomes differently for each person. Therefore, personalized approaches, such as those offered by functional medicine, which take into account individual differences and address underlying factors contributing to weight gain, are often more effective in achieving sustainable results.  Questions or concerns? Reach out to our Naperville weight loss center.

Weight-Loss Pills

We have all seen the ads for weight loss products, but do they really work? Do they really “burn fat”, “speed up your metabolism”, or “block dietary fat”? The truth

Weight, fat, fatness.

of the matter is that most of these products will not help you lose weight and their greatest value lies in what we call the placebo effect. We believe they will help us lose weight. So for a short while we eat less and maybe even exercise a little and we lose a few pounds. Unfortunately, the placebo effect does not last long and in a few weeks we are right back where we started.  Even prescription medications for weight loss have limited benefit and tend to lose their effectiveness over time, if they ever work at all.

Losing Weight Naturally

Losing weight naturally is generally considered better than relying on weight loss pills for several reasons. Firstly, natural weight loss methods typically focus on making sustainable lifestyle changes, such as improving diet, increasing physical activity, managing stress, and getting adequate sleep, which contribute to overall health and well-being beyond just weight loss. In contrast, weight loss pills often come with potential side effects and may not address the underlying factors contributing to weight gain. Additionally, natural weight loss approaches promote long-term habits that support weight maintenance, whereas weight loss pills may only provide temporary results and can lead to rebound weight gain once discontinued. Moreover, natural methods empower individuals to take control of their health and develop a deeper understanding of their body’s needs, fostering a more holistic and empowered approach to weight management.

Weight-Loss Diets

We all hate the word “diet” but that is because we now associate “dieting” with suffering! Nobody wants to walk around all day feeling hungry, deprived and miserable. Some of the most popular diets these days are the paleo-diets; these basically encourage you to eat fats, meats, nuts, vegetables and some fruit. Grains, dairy products and sugar are not recommended. Many people do benefit from eating this way because it is much healthier than the way they had been eating! Unfortunately, many rely too heavily on fats, meats and nuts but do not get the daily intake of vegetables they should. Over time, some may lose weight but the weight loss plateaus and further progress toward the goal-weight is not achieved. Once this happens, motivation wanes and old eating habits slowly return. So the main problem with most diets is that the weight loss goal is not reached and the diet cannot be maintained; so we gain the weight back. When trying to lose weight, we need to see consistent progress toward the goal and we need to be reasonably comfortable during the process. Lastly, we want to be able to keep the weight off once we reach our ideal weight.

How to Lose Weight with Functional Medicine

Most of you have probably tried different diets and weight-loss products that have not worked. Ok, so if we are not going to rely on “fat-burning” or “metabolism-boosting” pills or adhere to a special diet, how in the world can we possibly lose weight! You are probably fairly sure that you need something to help you get from where you are to where you want to be. Right? Because if you were able to do this on your own, you would not be reading this article.

The only way to consistently lose weight in a predictable manner is to restrict how much food you eat. I know that nobody wants to hear this, but it’s true. Regardless of the foods you choose to eat, if you consume too much food your body simply will not burn fat! There is only one way to lose weight and that is to put your body in a state where is must use body fat as a fuel source. This is the only way to “burn fat”.  There simply is no other way to rid the body of fat, well, except for liposuction!

So if someone is overweight, they are eating more food than their body can use and all of this extra food is stored as fat. I can’t tell you how many overweight using-food-to-fuel-the-bodypatients have come into our clinic and insist that they hardly eat anything! They are also certain that they can’t lose weight because “they have a slow metabolism.” The truth of the matter is that most people are consuming far more calories than they realize and very, very few people actually have a “slow metabolism.”  While it may be true that you don’t have the same metabolism that you enjoyed in your 20’s, your current metabolic rate will not prevent you from losing weight today if you consume an appropriate amount of food. What would an appropriate amount of food be? If you are trying to lose weight, it would be fewer calories than your body needs to function; then your body could actually start burning body fat as a fuel source.

Chemical Imbalances Could Be The Culprit

Eating less food sounds like an obvious solution but how can this actually be achieved? Let’s go the source of the over-eating problem; your brain. Your brain tells you when you are hungry and when you are not; when to eat and when to stop eating. So if you are walking around with excess body fat which is really tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of readily available calories, why is your brain telling you to keep eating?

This problem is most often due to a chemical imbalance in the brain; it is not able to produce enough of the chemicals it needs so it commands you to keep eating! This is because the raw materials it needs to produce these chemicals (neurotransmitters) come from the food we eat. The problem is that many people, for various reasons, are simply not able to produce these chemicals in sufficient quantities and the only solution the brain has is to tell you to keep eating more and more.  For many, the brain will often demand that they consume certain foods like chocolate, alcohol, breads, pasta, chips, candy, sugar, potatoes, fruits, ice cream, popcorn, pretzels and other high carbohydrate foods. There is a very good reason it wants to you to eat these foods and that is because it temporarily helps the brain make more of these chemicals. The problem is that it only temporarily helps this chronic problem and too much food is ultimately being consumed.

How To Use Food to Fuel Losing Weight

Eating certain foods can fuel weight loss by providing essential nutrients, promoting satiety, and supporting metabolic function. For example, foods rich in protein and fiber can help increase feelings of fullness, reducing overall calorie intake. Additionally, foods high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants support optimal cellular function and metabolism, which can enhance the body’s ability to burn calories efficiently. Choosing whole, nutrient-dense foods over processed and sugary options can also stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing cravings and supporting sustained energy levels throughout the day. Incorporating a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats can provide the necessary fuel to support weight loss efforts and overall health.

Food Sensitivity Tests For Weight Loss

Food sensitivity tests for weight loss are tailored to pinpoint specific foods that could be triggering adverse reactions in the body, hindering weight loss efforts. These tests involve analyzing a blood sample to detect antibodies produced in response to certain foods, helping individuals identify and eliminate problematic foods. By addressing these sensitivities, individuals can potentially reduce inflammation, optimize digestion, and support their weight loss goals. However, it’s crucial to interpret test results in conjunction with clinical symptoms and seek guidance from a healthcare professional. Additionally, addressing food sensitivities is just one component of a holistic weight loss plan, which should also encompass dietary modifications, exercise, stress management, and other lifestyle factors.

Contact Us To Help Hit Your Weight-Loss Goals With Functional Medicine

Identifying and addressing chemical imbalances with non-prescription nutritional supplements is a pivotal step in the journey toward successful and sustainable weight loss. These imbalances can disrupt metabolic processes, making it challenging to shed excess weight and maintain a healthy body composition in the long term. By adopting a functional medicine approach, individuals can delve deeper into the root causes of their weight struggles, allowing for a more personalized and holistic treatment plan. This approach emphasizes the interconnectedness of various bodily systems and seeks to restore balance and optimal function, ultimately paving the way for lasting wellness.

For those residing in Wheaton, Orland Park, Chicago, Bolingbrook, Naperville or surrounding areas, our practice offers comprehensive functional medicine services aimed at addressing the underlying factors contributing to weight gain and resistance to traditional weight loss methods. Through thorough evaluation, targeted testing, and individualized treatment protocols, we strive to empower our patients to achieve their weight loss goals and improve their overall health and well-being. If you’re ready to embark on a transformative journey toward better health, we encourage you to reach out to us today. Visit to learn more about Dr. Sexton and Dr. Sharon Borkowski and our approach to functional medicine.

It’s essential to conduct thorough research, educate yourself, and ask questions when it comes to healthcare decisions. In today’s landscape, misinformation and bias are pervasive, even from sources traditionally deemed reputable. Therefore, taking the time to delve into various perspectives and critically evaluate information is crucial for making informed choices about your health and well-being. Remember, your health is paramount, and being proactive in seeking reliable information ensures you’re equipped to navigate the complexities of healthcare effectively.


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